Amir ul Mumineen Maulana Ali SA states in his Kalam:

“Interact with people n such a manner that they come to you while you live and weep over you when you die.”

Umoor Kharijiyah has a very important role to play in the overall progress of the mauze. Along with building fruitful public relations, it includes loyalty to the nation, contribution in its progress, harmonious cooperation with all people, and maintaining a positive identity for the community.


The following are some of the core responsibilities of the Coordinator and Members of Umoor Kharejiyah:

  • Building and Maintaining Relations: Establish and maintain good relations with local authorities, as well as officers of various departments, local leaders, press, etc. Organize and participate in programs/drives for the benefit of society (such as Project Rise).
  • Projecting a Positive Identity: Create and follow a promotion strategy for mauze related welfare programs after acquiring permission from the PR Department. Be vigilant for tensions brewing in the mauze and respond as necessary after seeking advice from the PR Department. Encourage Mumineen to live harmoniously with everyone.
  • Interpersonal Communications: Maintain contact with the PR Department. Organize joint programs with other Umoor Kharejiyah teams of the jamiat. Stay in touch with mutawatteneen of the mauze residing elsewhere.